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Sunday School Groups

“My advice to Sunday Schools, no matter their denomination, is: Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet-anchor of your liberties; write its precepts in your heart and practice them in your lives. To the influence of this book we are indebted for all the progress made in true civilization, and to this we must look as our guide in the future.”

- Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President of the United States

Sunday school groups are vital in the life of the church who come together to encourage one another in the study of the bible

- explore the various classes below -

New Life Class - Welcome to the New Life Class - a vibrant community where prayer, Bible exploration, self-discovery, and uplifting discussions come together to create a rich tapestry of faith.  Our mission is unwavering, to seek the work of God and embrace the teachings of Jesus.   All ages and backgrounds are welcome to join our spirited group. The dynamic mix within our class sparks lively and thought-provoking conversations, and a welcoming space for spiritual growth.  We believe in the power of laughter and humor to enhance our lessons, creating an atmosphere of joy and connection., Whether you're exploring your faith journey or seeking a Sunday School home, the New Life Class invites you with open arms.
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Believers Class - we are mostly a middle age group who focus on prayer, bible exploration, self-discovery, discussions, and encouraging one-another. Our mission is, and always will be, to constantly seek the work of God and the teachings of Jesus. The wide range of ages, status of life, ideas and experiences: within the class, stimulates lively and thought-provoking discussions. We also realize that a little humor and laughter is a good thing, so we try to mix that in with our lesson.
If you are looking for a Sunday School home, please consider the Believers Class. We are a lively, spirited group and would love to have you join us. Everyone, and all ages, is welcome to join us.

Co-Ed Class - We are currently studying the book "Transform" by Gregory M. Weeks. The lessons begin with a look at the ministry of the Holy Spirit that brings new life to us as members of the body of Christ. Jesus tells the disciples in John’s Gospel that he must leave so that the Comforter or Holy Spirit could come. The Spirit will lead and guide us into all truth and bring gifts and graces to all who will receive them. This transforming power prepares us for ministry in the world.
The Holy Spirit’s work in empowering us to be the church and carry out its mission, is not limited to time and space. The lessons in Unit 2 take us through a series of events in the context of Jewish and Gentile hostility in which we see how the Holy Spirit moved the church forward to serve others.
The final four lessons explore a problem that has plagued humankind throughout the ages—violence! How do we as the people of God confront and overcome this menace to the faith?

What a blessing to have Pastor Scott and Amber visit our class today, July 3, 2022. He wanted to have an open discussion and listen to ideas we have on what direction we would like to see our Church take. It is inspiring and refreshing that Pastor Scott values our ideas and wants to get to know each and every member of his congregation.

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Fellowship Class - we could also be called the "over 55 class."  We are currently following the International Sunday School Lessons.   But we sometimes share other teachings or testimonies that encourage and build our faith.  Every other month we enjoy a Fellowship dinner with a movie, a program, or some other entertainment.   All are welcome and encouraged to participate.
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